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GTAG: IT Essentials for Internal Auditors

Global Technology Audit Guides The IIA Sep 10, 2021

Recommended Guidance

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Information technology is a fundamental part of all organizations, so internal auditors should have a fundamental understanding of their organization’s IT functions and processes.​

Because IT is imperative to business strategy, understanding the impact technology can have on business processes and making accurate and timely recommendations can elevate internal audit as a trusted advisor and value creator.​

This guidance will enable internal auditors to understand:

  • ​The relationship between IT and the business.
  • ​The various network structures, components, and related concepts.
  • IT infr​astructure, including hardware, software, and databases.
  • How​ organizations use, implement, and develop applications.
  • Relevan​t topics such as data analytics, social media, machine learning, RPA, and more.


The Institute of Internal Auditors