Internal Audit Foundation Grants and Awards
Giving tomorrow’s internal auditors the best start today. The Foundation delivers academic programs, grants, and awards that encourage students to pursue internal auditing and supports educators who are teaching internal auditing courses to these future professionals.
Grants and Awards
The Foundation provides academic programs, grants, and awards that encourage students to pursue internal auditing as a career choice, as well as support educators who are considering teaching the subject of internal auditing.

Student Grants & Awards
Internal Audit Dissertation Scholarship – provides funds to select doctoral candidates interested in the field of internal auditing.
Larry B. Sawyer Student Scholarship – is granted to undergraduate or graduate level students currently enrolled in, or has recently completed, internal audit curricula.

Educator Grants
Educational Institution Grants – The IIA’s Academic Relations program works with strategic leaders to help promote the study of internal auditing within college and university curriculum through the Internal Auditing Education Partnership program. The Internal Audit Foundation is pleased to support the growth of the profession by administering the IAEP grant program. To learn more about academic grants, please visit our IAEP grant program page or email us at