Subscribe Internal Auditor Magazine
Internal Auditor magazine is the indispensable resource for internal auditors and the world's most important source of information about the profession. Find relevant, timely information that you won't read anywhere else.
Destination Information
Internal Auditor magazine is one resource with many platforms. The magazine delivers the most relevant information in the most wanted formats, including articles, blogs, and videos.
Your subscription includes:

English Digital Magazine
- Informative feature articles and the Perspectives and Insights departments keep readers up to speed on the latest internal audit news and practices.
- Designed specifically for digital, the magazine features a bold design and a variety of navigation tools to browse articles, as well as bonus video content.
- An extensive archive dates back to 2004.

Spanish Digital Magazine
- Una traducción al español de la revista digital del Auditor Interno está disponible solo en línea para los suscriptores.
- Los archivos de búsqueda se remontan a 2012. Los lectores pueden descargar estas ediciones para verlas sin conexión.
- Internal Auditor's website includes all of the informative content from the digital edition of the magazine, as well as exclusive articles, videos, and four great blogs (On the Frontlines, Building a Better auditor, IAm, and Mind of Jacka).
Subscription Rates
Digital subscriptions are included with North American membership which includes Canadian members. For global affiliate members outside of North America, please check with your local institute to determine if access is a benefit included with your membership.
IIA Member Digital Subscription (for affiliate members with no current access) $13.50/year
Nonmember Digital Subscription Access $60/year
*Please note: No cancellations or refunds permitted.

North American Membership includes Internal Auditor Subscription
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