Computer Based Testing Exam Tutorial
Exam Tutorial
These IIA certification exam tutorials are provided for all of The IIA’s supported exam languages. The following information includes important details related to the tutorials:
- There is a single tutorial for each available language.
- The purpose of these tutorials is to enhance your testing experience by showing you the functionality of the exams in the particular language of your choosing, as they will function at a Pearson VUE testing center.
- The tutorials contain information to assist you in understanding what an exam will look like, how to navigate through it, and how to use tools within the exam (such as the onscreen calculator and flagging a question for review).
- In addition to viewing the tutorials online, you also have the option to print them.
From this web page, you can view a tutorial for a particular language with no time limit, and repeat the tutorial as often as you like. To re-launch a tutorial, you may return to this page at any time.
The tutorials below have been created as PDF files, so you will need to use Adobe® Acrobat® Reader as the navigation software.

How to access the Pearson VUE demo test
You can access the Pearson VUE demo test on the IIA Testing Pearson VUE Page. Go to the sidebar on the right side of the page under Related links > Pearson VUE demo test.
Candidate Conduct at Pearson VUE Testing Centers
The Pearson VUE staff will guide you through the steps developed by The IIA, many of which are designed to ensure your security and the security of the exam itself.
Violations of the Pearson VUE testing site rules include, but are not limited to:
- Being disruptive.
- Having any item not specifically permitted in the testing room, such as a phone or watch.
- Acting suspiciously.
- Removing test items from the center.
- Providing false information when applying for the certification program.
Test center employees have been trained to watch for unusual behavior and incidents during exams, and real-time monitoring is backed up by audio and videotaping of the exam sessions.
What to expect at Pearson VUE
Preview the test-taking experience at Pearson Vue, where our security measures help to safeguard your future.
Checking in at the Pearson VUE Testing Center
Upon arrival at the Pearson VUE testing center, you will be required to present acceptable photo identification. Acceptable photo identification must meet the following requirements:
- Contains your name exactly as you provided it during the exam registration process (as it appears on your Pearson VUE exam appointment confirmation letter).
- Has a permanently affixed photo of your face.
- Is current; expired IDs will not be accepted.
- Is an original document; photocopies will not be accepted.
Acceptable forms of ID are:
- Government-issued driver’s license
- Passport.
- Military ID
- Alien Registration Card (green card, permanent resident, visa)
- Government-issued local language ID (plastic card with photo and signature, accepted only if issued from the country the candidate is testing in)
Unacceptable forms of ID include:
- Employee ID or work badge
- University/college ID
- Insurance card
Your identity will also be verified through a comparison of your signature to the signature on your ID (if any). If you do not present an acceptable ID at the time you are scheduled to take your exam, you will not be allowed to take your exam, you will be considered a no-show even though you appeared at the exam site, and you will forfeit the exam registration fee.
Be sure to keep your ID with you at all times during the exam after the administrator checks you in. If you leave the testing room for any reason, you will be required to show your ID to be readmitted.
The following is a high-level overview of what to expect when you arrive at your testing center:
- Once your identification has been approved, the test center administrator will show you where to store your personal items (purses, wallets, watches, jewelry, cell phone, etc.). Space is limited, so do not bring anything to the testing center that it is not absolutely necessary. (Your exam confirmation email from Pearson VUE will outline what can and cannot be brought to the site.) No food or drink is allowed in the testing room.
- The administrator will provide you with a copy of the candidate rules agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement in order to take an exam at a Pearson VUE testing center.
- You will be offered certain tools to use during your exam: an erasable note board and pen (on which you can take notes during the exam) and an on-screen calculator. You must return the note board and pen to the administrator before leaving the test center. You can request a hand-held calculator, which the testing center will provide if one is available; you cannot bring your own personal calculator or similar device into the testing room.
- You will be required to sign the test center log before being admitted to the test.
Once the check-in procedures are taken care of, the exam proctor will escort you to the workstation, where you must remain for the duration of the exam unless you are authorized to leave the room. There are no scheduled breaks during the exam. Candidates are allowed to take a break, if necessary, but the time taken for breaks counts toward the overall time allotment for the exam. If you leave the testing room for any reason, you will be required to sign the test center log and show acceptable ID upon exiting and reentering. You may also be required to provide a fingerprint or palm vein image.
Once you have been seated at your testing station, the administrator will log you into your exam. You will be asked to confirm that the exam shown on the screen is the exam you are scheduled to take. When confirmed, you will begin the testing session. The session begins with a welcome screen and the nondisclosure/confidentiality agreement (NDA). If you do not accept the exam NDA, the exam will be terminated, the registration will be voided, and you will forfeit your exam registration fee.