CRMA Study Guide and Practice Questions, 3rd Edition
Francis Nicholson, CIA, QIAL, CRMA

The CRMA® Exam Study Guide and Practice Questions, 3rd Edition, compiles the comprehensive review material you need to prepare for the Certification in Risk Management Assurance® (CRMA®) exam. Crucial information is presented in this one-of-a-kind study guide for each of the three official exam domains:
- Domain I: Internal Audit Roles and Responsibilities
- Domain II: Risk Management Governance
- Domain III: Risk Management Assurance
The study materials are designed for a global audience. Included are the exam syllabus, key terms, and over 200 sample CRMA exam practice questions with suggested solutions and explanations. The Examination Review guide and Practice questions were developed independently of the Examination content but based on the publicly listed syllabi.
With current information and trends, explanatory examples, and useful tables and figures, the CRMA® Exam Study Guide and Practice Questions, 3rd Edition, will not only serve as an aid to taking the exam but will also enhance your knowledge of risk management assurance for audit-related activity.
About the Author
Francis Nicholson, CIA, QIAL, CRMA, has more than 25 years of experience in training and professional development. He began his nearly 16-year tenure at The IIA as the Education Director for the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors in London in 2007 and moved to join IIA Global in 2013 where he worked in certifications, training, and advocacy, most recently as Vice President of Global Relations based in Florida. Nicholson was a co-author of the original CRMA® study guide published in 2014. He is currently a Senior Consultant at G4Governance.
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