Mar 11, 2025
Cleveland, OH
The Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves the Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Youngstown area and surrounding counties. The Chapter has over 800 members.
Join us for Fraud Day - February 10,2025
Our most recent monthly NEO IIA Audit Voice:
The Northeast Ohio IIA Chapter was established in 1961 and exists as a service to our local and visiting IIA members.
Established in 1941, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is an international professional association with global headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida, USA. The IIA is the internal audit profession's global voice, recognized authority, acknowledged leader, chief advocate, and principal educator. Generally, members work in internal auditing, risk management, governance, internal control, information technology audit, education, and security.
Proud to call Northeast Ohio home.
We are pleased to be a 2023 Building Awareness Champion!
During Internal Audit Awareness Month in May, we shared our passion for internal auditing, promoting the profession through a variety of events and campaigns designed to inform and engage, raise awareness, and help stakeholders understand the value of internal audit in their organizations.
Dear Members & Friends,
Happy Internal Audit Awareness Month! We hope everyone had a chance to celebrate and share the value of internal audit with peers, coworkers, and clients, by participating in an IIA event, or sharing the importance of internal audit in your workplace. Another chapter year is coming to a close and we would like to take the opportunity to thank all our members for their participation in the chapter, including attending monthly meetings, volunteering, earning an IIA certification or speaking at events!
A special thank you to our Profession Development committee members who work diligently all year round to put on fantastic events for our membership! During the 2023/2024-chapter year, 9 training events providing 49 CPE’s were offered in a variety of formats with notable speakers. Highlights include, the joint IIA/ISACA meeting at Progressive Field, an Audit Skills Workshop hosted by Deloitte, the CSU Extravaganza, Fraud Day, the joint IIA/OSCPA/FEI meeting at Rocket Mortgage Field House, CPA ethics from OSCPA and the CAE roundtable at the Meonske Professional Development Conference. In addition, a new auditor training and golf event are held every year for all members!
Thank you to everyone who joined us in-person on May 16th at the Meonske Professional Development Conference on the campus of Kent State University in Kent, OH. This was a new location for our May meeting and the event featured our annual Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Roundtable Discussion. The event was held in conjunction with NEO IIA and other local professional organizations were invited to participate in the conference and make it one of the largest CPE events in Northeast Ohio in 2024! Thank you to Lisa Stiffler & Stephy Gao from KPMG and local CAEs Mandy Sterling (Metallus), Jackie Pallack (Arhaus), Christy Coffman (Lubrizol), Claude Vincenti (Medical Mutual of Ohio), and Joe Nejman (Steris) who volunteered their time to organize, moderate, and join the CAE panel for the 6th Annual CAE Roundtable. Thank you also to Luke Wilson and Ted Christy of KPMG who presented an ESG Regulatory Reporting Update to close out the afternoon.
Next up is our annual New Auditor Training, which will be held on Friday, June 7th, at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. Registration for this event will be limited to 40 attendees so if you plan on sending a summer intern or new staff auditor please make sure you prioritize early registration.
Additionally, our annual Northeast Ohio IIA Member Appreciation Golf Outing will be held on Friday,June 28th at Coppertop in Valley City, OH, with registration and doughnuts and coffee beginning at 7:30 a.m. You can obtain balls and tees from the clubhouse at that time. We are still in the process of seeking sponsorships for this eagerly awaited event! Please contact Jonathan Sanfilippo for questions about sponsorship opportunities.
In addition to attending our chapter’s events, we also encourage you to consider attending any of the IIA’s flagship events including the 2024 International Conference, Financial Services Exchange, and other events in the year ahead. Please visit the IIA website for dates and conference information.
If you are looking for more training offerings over the summer, please reference the NEO ACFE flyer attached at the end of the newsletter as they are offering two training opportunities in June and July. We will be partnering with NEO ACFE in the upcoming year to offer members of both organizations more training options and joint meetings.
We can’t wait to see you again soon!
Best regards,
Melissa Banfield and Nick Jorz, Co-Presidents
Training links/relevant topics.
Provides technology solutions for Auditing and Risk Management.
American Institute of CPAs - Helps set ethical and Auditing Standards.
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission - Establishes Internal Control Models supported by the IMA, AAA, AICPA, IIA, and FEI.
Develops and distributes study materials for many Accounting and Auditing certifications.
Organization resource for IT Audit, IT security, and IT Governance.
Local Cleveland ISACA resource.
Anti-Fraud organization that provides anti-fraud training and education.
CIA review program developed by the IIA.
Develops and provides study materials and study courses for the CPA exam.
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberEarning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
Become Certified